By Richard Conceicao 7dan “Everything you see is merely a symbol for things you do not see.” ― S. A. Smith. The manji-uke to use its Japanese name is a common movement in many of our TKD and other forms. It is...
An Introduction To ISC Control Points
The discussion below comes from the ISC (International Sports Corp.) and is the primary work of L. Knight PhD, R. Kazoroski MS, and Professor A. Cohen, who was my entrance to it. Sadly they have all passed Lest you think that none of this was known in the west...
SOME BRIEF THOUGHTS ON THE MEANING OF FORMS There are no secrets—everything is hidden in the open If we regard the forms that we practice as a syllabus- with a definite-if not clearly defined progression of techniques and principles, what then is the progression? I...
By Richard Conceicao (7Dan) “Kittens are wide eyed, soft, and sweet with needles in their jaws and feet” [1] We all practice TKD and we know what it is right? It is the art of smashing things in the foot fist way. When we block, we break things, when wishes to all
“There are many things from which I might have derived good, by which I have not profited, I dare say,” returned the nephew. “Christmas among the rest. But I am sure I have always thought of Christmas time, when it has come round—apart from the...